Saturday 12 December 2009

A Search Begins

I love soups. It's nice and simple. And why not combine the joy of writing with the joy of cooking - and tasting, and eating, and (for the most part) being healthy?

Voila, here is born this blog, to find the finest soups in all the world. The Supersoups. The ones that just blow your mind away with an explosion of taste, or the ones that just fill you to the brim with yummy food goodness. I want to find the best ones ever.

So once a week (hopefully more), I'll be making a soup. The recipe comes from anywhere - cookbooks, cookery shows, Internet websites, and hopefully a few will come handed down from many generations. Each post will have the recipe, a taste-review of how it does, what's good, what's bad... and hence a collection of some massively good soups shall spring forth :)

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